Sponsor League

Register as many gamers as possible and compete against the biggest DFSG Sponsors to win extra prizes!

Sponsors play a crucial role in our platform. They sign up skilled gamers in our tournaments by paying the entry cost and earn 60% of their gamers’ winnings — all secured via smart contracts. Read more about our Gamer and Sponsor model in our docs.

The Sponsors League allows DFSocial holders to compete and show who has the biggest army of gamers and the one who performs the best. Each season lasts 2 months and at the end of the competition, the team publishes the leaderboard and distributes the rewards to the winners.

👉Access our Gaming page, connect your Metamask wallet and scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll see the complete list of the Sponsors competing in the current season, the scoring system and our Predictor.

Scoring System - Season #5

The scoring system works as follows:

  • The points obtained from valid registrations: 6 points

  • The points obtained from the gamers’ position points: 25, 20 and 15 points when placing top 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Prize Distribution - Season #5

Find below the rewards for each of the Top 10 Sponsors winners.


DFSG holders can lock their tokens and try to guess the correct answer of the winner of the Sponsors League. Read more about our predictors in this section.

😎 You can earn by predicting who you think the winner of this season will be!

💰 A total prize of 3k DFSG will be distributed among the winners.

🔒 Lock 6k, 4k or 2k DFSG and submit your prediction of the given options — your tokens will be unlocked after 1 month, there’s no risk of losing your tokens!

📊 You can submit multiple predictions with the same wallet address

Last updated